Chapter 26 of the Attar Guide, and we're talking about ambergris. First a primer. to be followed by reviews of ambergris-focused attars, mukhallats and CPOs. An attenuated version of an article first published by…
Ambergris Attars & CPOs Cult of Raw Materials Mukhallats Single note exploration The Attar Guide
Attars & CPOs Floral Mukhallats Review Rose Spicy Floral The Attar Guide Tuberose Vetiver Violet White Floral Ylang ylang
The Attar Guide: Floral Reviews (T-Y)
Chapter 25 of the Attar Guide: Floral Reviews (T-Y) - the last of the Floral Reviews and the last of the Attar Guide in 2021 - compares, inter alia, several Abdes Salaam Attar attars…
Attars & CPOs Chypre Floral Green Floral Jasmine Mukhallats Review Rose Saffron Spicy Floral The Attar Guide White Floral
The Attar Guide: Floral Reviews (S)
Chapter 24 of the Attar Guide: Floral Reviews (S) takes us from a room-busting 1970s-style rose chypre by Al Rehab that costs peanuts to the rare Sultan Pasha attar that got the better of…
Attars & CPOs Floral Green Floral Jasmine Mukhallats Orange Blossom Patchouli Review Rose Saffron Spicy Floral The Attar Guide Violet White Floral
The Attar Guide: Floral Reviews (P-R)
Chpater 23 of the Attar Guide and we are in the P-R section of the Floral reviews, so gird your loins for lots and lots of rose this and rose that (and a couple…
Attars & CPOs Floral Floral Oriental Green Floral Mukhallats Orange Blossom Review Rose Spicy Floral The Attar Guide White Floral
The Attar Guide: Floral Reviews (M-O)
Chapter 22 of the Attar Guide: Floral Reviews (M-O), featuring, inter alia, a very passable Noir de Noir dupe, a feral narcissus attar that may cause sexual hysteria and a perfume pretending to be…
Attars & CPOs Floral Green Floral Iris Jasmine Mukhallats Orange Blossom Osmanthus Review Rose Saffron Spicy Floral The Attar Guide Tuberose Violet White Floral
The Attar Guide: Floral Reviews (J-L)
The Attar Guide: Floral Reviews (J-L) takes us on a tour through several really trashy Malle dupe oils, mega-expensive jasmine niche oils, and some sublime gardenia attars by Strangelove NYC and Sultan Pasha. Read…
Attars & CPOs Floral Green Floral Mukhallats Orange Blossom Review Rose The Attar Guide
The Attar Guide: Floral Reviews (E-I)
Eidyya (Amouage) Type: mukhallat Eidyya, a mukhallat presumably linked to the celebration of Eid or the giving of gifts for Eid, is a potent floral affair with a deeply…
Attars & CPOs Chypre Floral Green Floral Mukhallats Review The Attar Guide
The Attar Guide: Floral Reviews (B-D)
Badar (Al Haramain) Type: mukhallat Badar is a honey-forward mukhallat that sounds more exciting than it really is. (It also looks more exciting than it is, packaged as it is…
Attars & CPOs Floral Green Floral Mukhallats Orange Blossom Osmanthus Review Rose Sandalwood Spicy Floral The Attar Guide Tuberose Violet White Floral Ylang ylang
The Attar Guide: Floral Reviews (0-A)
007 (Hyde & Alchemy) Type: concentrated perfume oil No. 007 is a little bum fluff of a thing – a peachy honeysuckle that leans waxy rather than green or fresh.…
Attars & CPOs Floral Jasmine Mukhallats Orange Blossom Rose The Attar Guide White Floral
The Attar Guide: Flowers (A Primer)
We have already extensively covered the flowers that Indians most value in traditional attar perfumery here, and here. However, mukhallat perfumery – perfumery rooted in the Middle East – displays slight but important differences…