Confession: I am not fond of cedar as a note in perfumery. Perhaps because these days it is so often paired with vetiver and Iso E Super to produce that piercing sucker punch…
Living on the equator has its advantages – year-round warmth, sun, lush greenery, the endless availability of mangoes – but heading into my second autumn in Africa, I do find myself longing for…
Narcotico Narcotico follows a pattern I’ve begun to notice in the work of Giuseppe Imprezzabile, the perfumer behind Meo Fusciuni, in that the perfumes are all either monstrously complex facades hiding simple…
Luce Luce is like a plain girl whose face suddenly transforms when she smiles. Full of blink-and-you’ll-miss-it moments that shuffle so quietly underneath its sweet, minty beeswax skin that you’d be forgiven for…
#1 Nota di Viaggio (Rites de Passage) The opening is pure Italian apothecary chic – a veritable cacophony of brackish herbs, aged citrus, and homemade toothpaste underscored by a streak of medicated…
Un Bel Amour d’Été by Parfum d'Empire is a stupendously sexy, humid, fleshy white floral monster the likes of which have not been seen since Fracas and Songes. …
All Natural Aromatic Balsamic Cult of Raw Materials Fougere Herbal Incense Independent Perfumery Masculine Oud Review Rosewood Saffron Smoke
Oud Taiwan by Areej Le Dore
Oud Taiwan by Areej Le Dore smells great, but not the ‘perfume’ kind of great. It smells great in the way that certain spaces – a carpenter’s workshop, a fuel court, a supplies…
Chypre Floral Hay Honey Incense Independent Perfumery Iris Review Violet
Epona by Papillon Artisan Perfumes: A Review
Epona is pure gorgeousness. Though I do have an equestrian background myself, horsey perfumes can be a little bit too on the nose with the mane accord – Arabian Horse by Pierre Guillaume,…
All Natural Independent Perfumery Review Rose Single note exploration
Three Roses by Annette Neuffer
The only possible reason why Annette Neuffer is not discussed in the same breadth as other talented, self-made European perfumers (Andy Tauer, Vero Kern, Antonio Gardoni, etc.) is because, unlike these, she has…
When you move to Africa after a whole life spent in Europe, you quickly begin to grasp the economies of scale (and lack of trade tariffs) that made your nine euro litre of…